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It’s Not Making Sense

“If you would only trust me COMPLETELY.” –God

During this week’s meditation time, God really begin to speak to me regarding the season that He has me in right now. What I love about God is, He will humble us in the most humblest way possible lol. On this blog, I’m going to be discussing TRUSTING GOD COMPLETELY.

It seems so simple. It seems so easy. It even may sound cliché’. However, I’ve notice that I truly need to TRUST God wholeheartedly. If I could be completely honest, I do have issues sometimes Trusting God. When I feel that it doesn’t make sense, if it’s not happening fast enough, if it’s not quite going the way that I planned…I tend to try to make it happen on my OWN. And I know in my heart of hearts that I should just TRUST God. He has me in the season right now where I literally cannot do anything but put my faith in Him and Trust Him.

While in my time that I spent with God, He literally wrecked me. I kept hearing, “if you would only trust me COMPLETELY”. You know its crazy that we would put our trust/faith in a dead relationship but half way trust God. That literally broke me down because I had to take accountability and realize that “I DO THAT SMH”. If anybody has our best interests at heart, God does. He wants what’s BEST for us.

Although its a daily process, I’m learning that I need to make sure that I am not just hearing God but I’m listening to Him and being obedient. My husband and I had such an encouraging conversation this past week about being OBEDIENT. That is the season that we are in right now. We want to be OBEDIENT above everything. Even if I don’t understand how He is going to work it out, I need to TRUST Him and be obedient. Even if I don’t understand why this is going on, I need to TRUST Him and be obedient. Even if it doesn’t make a lick of sense, I need to TRUST Him and be obedient.

I make sure that I go back and remind myself that God has yet to fail me. If anything, He stepped in to help me before I was about to play myself with some decisions I was going to make. One thing I learned is that I do not need to QUESTION my father. He has the absolute perfect will for our lives and He #1 DESERVES OUR TRUST. I want you all to know that TRUSTING GOD completely will eliminate so many issues beforehand that we bring upon ourselves.

Listen to God and Be Obedient to what He wants you to do.
Trust God and Be Obedient to the direction He wants you to go.

Although half the year is gone, I want to do this challenge. If you’re up for it, you can join me. I’m going to get some sticky notes at the beginning of each month and begin to track all the things that God has done for me, protected me from, revealed to me etc. I’m doing this so that at the end of each month I can go back and see why I trusted God in the first place. I’m excited to begin this and I hope that you join me.

Remember, He wants you to trust Him WHOLEHEARTEDLY.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I pray that you enjoyed it!
