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Stepping Out

“Sometimes it’s your COMFORT ZONE that keeps you CAPTIVE”
Over the last few weeks, I have been challenged to go outside of my comfort zone. Now you know anytime you begin to do things that you are not used to, that it can definitely be intimidating. I mean hey, we like to be comfortable lol. However, a lot times we stay stagnant because we are too comfortable.
What is your comfort zone? If you were look up this phrase, it is defined as “a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress”. In other words, its a place that you are familiar with. It’s a place where you usually do not take risks. It could also be a place where you only do what you are used to. Nothing more and Nothing less. Some of the reasons people stay captive in their comfort zone is because they may be afraid to fail, afraid to mess up or feel that they are not good enough. Although you see the word “comfort”, this can also be a dangerous place. I used the word dangerous because when you only operate in your comfort zone, you do not step out and fulfill all that the Lord wants you to do.  When you step outside of your comfort zone, you begin to place your FAITH in Jesus Christ. If we truly believe that He is the head of our lives, then we would TRUST Him enough to know that He has our best interest at heart.
There are some dangers when you refuse to leave your comfort zone. Your comfort zone can actually block your growth. When we stay in our familiar place, we do not like change. We want everything to stay the same. But how many of you know, that if we refuse change…we are refusing growth. And anything that is not growing….is DYING.
If I could be transparent, it took quite some time for me step outside of my comfort zone. As a matter of fact, I’m still dealing with pieces of it even today. You cannot say that you want to be used by God wholeheartedly, yet you only do whats comfortable for you. You only do what makes sense.
LISTEN! I have learned that some times God will have you doing things that make absolutely no sense to you or anybody else. On the contrary, in His eyes, it is CRYSTAL CLEAR.
Over the years, I realized that if you are not ready to be used by God FOR REAL, don’t ask Him to use you lol. Because HE WILL! I recently just turned twenty-eight and I have been feeling a sense of stretching from God. I feel that He is pulling me outside of my comfort zone. He is pushing me to go deeper and further than what I actually imagined doing. For me, I was afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone because I felt as though people would judge me. I felt that I was not worthy to do everything that God has me doing now. I felt as though because I am not in the same place as some other people, that it wasn’t meant for me. Because I was not in the same chapter as the people around me, I decided to stay in my little bubble. I stayed in my comfort zone. However, I am so thankful for a PRAYING and SUPPORTIVE husband that pushes me like no other. I’m thankful for friends who keep me accountable and reassures me of everything that God tells me to do.
Is it completely easy to be stretched? No! Do I feel uncomfortable sometimes? Yes! But I know that I am doing exactly what God is calling me to do. When I made the decision to please God: I made the decision to step out on faith, get out of my comfort zone and do all that He has called me to do. When I made the decision to please God: I made the decision to stop relying on what only my eyes can see and focus on my OMNIPOTENT Father!!!
My prayer for anyone reading this blog is that you step out! Get out of your comfort zone! Leave that familiar place that you have been in for years. Put your FAITH in God and know that you may become uncomfortable sometimes. However, you being uncomfortable is just God stretching you to your purpose!! He is pushing you further than you could ever imagine! But trust me, its all for your good!!
It’s time to get out of our comfort zones and STEP OUT ON FAITH!!!
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